Welcome to our official blog!


Welcome to biri-biri's blog! :) If you are reading this right now, chances are you have curiously clicked on the blog link from the store to read what the biri-biri has to say :)

This blog has been set up mainly to promote our items and to talk about random, mostly things we find beautiful or fascinating. Could be fashion (well we hope to stick to vintage of course, though any trend that catches our fancy will do!), beauty, health or even gossip. Hey, not going to draw the line this early on. Will play by ear alright?

As you've probably noticed, the blogstore is currently devoid of those interrupting sold items. We have finally gotten around to spring-cleaning the blogstore by separating the (many had deemed as annoying) sold items from the still available ones for the viewing pleasure of our esteemed shoppers. It was a tedious but necessary process as all the unsold stuff were getting backed up in the older pages (which nobody bothers to click on!).

Considering virtual cobwebs were on the verge of forming on those poor items, we figured it was about time we did something! We're almost done now, just got to post the links for the sold galleries up soon.

In our most recent post, we have again posted some delectable polka dotted dresses, our third installment so far.

We dare say that polka dots never go out of style. And while the rest of the once-trendy patterns faded into obscurity, it is evident people never got tired of polka dots. Need we remind you of the once famous song on a certain piece of swimwear bearing this print?

You see them everywhere from the hottest runway to your favorite aunt's apron. And they're not going away anytime soon.

First made popular on the famous tv comedy I Love Lucy back in the 50's, the polka dot dress is still a hit today. We've seen it from Gucci to Gianni Versace.

A common favorite we all agree on is obviously the white polka on black print, but if you are getting a little bored of the usual, there a myriad of color combinations to be found these days. Though we have to say if you don't wish to venture too far, you can always opt for white on dark navy to still achieve that classy look.

Here are some of our coveted albeit sold 80's polka dot dresses:
One can imagine feeling absolutely charming in any of these pretty dresses! They will prove to be a sound investment in years to come, just like sweaters :)

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